A Glimpse into How Retail Is Reinventing Itself: 4DH and the technology they leverage

Now Available On-Demand


What’s the key to growth and innovation in retail? Find out from 4DH Co-Founder Michael Rhoten as he shares the secrets to success across their three brands:

  • All American Roughneck – Apparel
  • American Made Nutrition – Supplements
  • Axe & Sledge – Supplements

A high-growth, market-disrupter, 4DH was determined to rely on technology as flexible, mobile and scalable as they are. That’s why they chose NetSuite’s cloud ERP to manage customer interactions, inventory, financials and payments with Myers-Holum as their NetSuite implementation partner.

Watch now for these takeaways:

  • How to become a successful retail upstart and the roadblocks 4DH faced along the way
  • The importance of a modern ERP for scalable success
  • Key tips for getting the most from your data and taking advantage of next generation technologies
  • A roadmap to navigating the biggest challenges in technology adoption
NetSuite for High Growth, Ecommerce Brands

Webinar Speakers

Michael Rhoten

4DH Co-Founder @4DH

Michael is the co-founder of 4DH, which is the management company for the lifestyle brands Axe & Sledge Supplements, All American Roughneck and American Made Nutrition.

Jordan Sellers

Delivery Manager @ MHI

Jordan is a delivery manager at Myers-Holum, Inc. (MHI), which is a premier enterprise systems and data integration consulting firm. An award-winning leader in NetSuite, Boomi, Stripe and Google Cloud Platform solutions, MHI assists clients with planning, designing and implementing large-scale, high-performance cloud solutions.